Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Inspired by Grand Prix

Fashion inspiration from "Grand Prix" (1966)

"You know one of the most beautiful things about a car? If it isn't working properly, you can strip the skin off, expose the insides, find out exactly where the trouble is, take out the faulty part and replace it with a new one. If only we could do that with people."


  1. hey dear...its awesome how u acn be inspired bygrandpix ...i adore it
    btw mabbe we canfollow each other??i hope u like to do it

  2. "You know one of the most beautiful things about a car? If it isn't working properly, you can strip the skin off, expose the insides, find out exactly where the trouble is, take out the faulty part and replace it with a new one. If only we could do that with people."
    Agree with that!<3:)
    Glad to know that u be inspired by:)

    U have a nice blog, btw<3:)

    Following you:)
    It'll be so nice, if you folllow me back:)

    Have a sparkling day!
